Productivity Lifehacks For SMEs

Being responsible for your business’ marketing often means wearing many hats at once. Not only do you need to continue to organically...

Why Your Company Needs a CDP in 2021

By Kristina Lauren Within the first 90 days of the COVID-19 pandemic, e-commerce experienced 10 years of growth. Of course, this isn’t too hard to...

Ecommerce Basics

Making the decision to set up an online shopping store is both daunting and exciting at the same time. Even though there’s...

Featured Articles

How To Take Great Clothing Photos For Social Media

Whereas retail was once a strictly offline business, many companies in the industry would not survive without the internet. Having a good website is, of course, vital to keeping up with your competitors, but it is no longer enough...

SEO Basics

SEO, otherwise known as search engine optimisation, is the act of improving the flow of traffic to a website by increasing its visibility on popular search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. With so many businesses making the...

Our Favourite Social Media Blogs

If you’re a digital marketer who takes your role seriously, it’s imperative that you know all about social media. What started off as a simple means of online communication has, quite accidentally, evolved into a whole new advertising space...

PPC Basics

PPC, known otherwise as pay-per-click, is a search engine model and digital marketing strategy used to bring new leads to a website. When somebody clicks through to a pay-per-click advert, advertisers pay a small fee to the publisher. This...

Productivity Lifehacks For SMEs

Being responsible for your business’ marketing often means wearing many hats at once. Not only do you need to continue to organically promote your business in the real world, but you also need to be confident in the newer...

10 Productivity Tools To Save Digital Marketers Time

We’ve all heard the phrase “time is money”. In business terms, it’s as true as it was back in the 1700s when it was said to have been coined by Benjamin Franklin. Our time is valuable, and we want...

How to make your Instagram account work for you

In 2020 Instagram is not about sharing pictures with friends and family anymore. Many new users sign up with a dream to make money on this platform. Blogging on social media is enormously popular, and as many other potentially profitable fields,...

Top-notch strategies for E-commerce Conversion Rate Optimization in 2021

The e-commerce conversion rate is a percentage of site visitors who bought something from the online store (during the set period) and several factors like your website design and loading speed can have a huge impact on it. CRO (Conversion Rate...

Our Favourite PPC Blogs

In today’s digital world, advertising is now more online-focused than ever before. One key element of digital marketing is pay-per-click, which has established itself...

Our Favourite SEO Blogs

SEO is an art, and certainly isn’t something you can learn in five minutes and never revisit from then on. As technology continues to...

Our Favourite Social Media Blogs

If you’re a digital marketer who takes your role seriously, it’s imperative that you know all about social media. What started off as a...


Our Favourite SEO Blogs

SEO is an art, and certainly isn’t something you can learn in five minutes and never revisit from then on. As technology...


BEATRIX is a quality digital marketing blog and we focus on creating engaging and informative content for our readers. Our target audience...

The Hustle – How To Make It As A Social Media Marketer

So, you want to be a social media marketer? It’s obvious to see why the job has so much appeal: social media...

Photo Editing Tips For Social Media

Social media isn’t reality, we all know that. It’s for showing off your happiest, proudest and most enjoyable moments in the best...

Product Placement On Social Media

Product placement on social media Social media is accessible to us all, but knowing how to use it doesn’t...